Celebrating a Different Kind of Independence this Fourth of July

Written by:

Kelly Crispens


June 25, 2018

Since becoming a national holiday in 1870, the Fourth of July has been celebrated with many traditions, including backyard games, neighborhood barbecues, and the symbolic fireworks shows. While this day is often filled with family, friends, and outdoor fun, those things may not be an easy option for many of the elderly in our community. Between the heat, the physical strain, or perhaps geographic distance from family and friends, participating in Fourth of July celebrations may be more challenging for our elderly neighbors and loved ones.

At Commonwise, our goal is to help preserve our clients' health and independence in their own homes. However, we also recognize the challenges and potential isolation that holidays can produce. Thanks to our team of dedicated Caregivers willing to sacrifice their own time with family and friends, we are able to continue serving our clients this Fourth of July, and celebrate together as the Commonwise community.

For our clients who like to get out and about, the Independence Day Concert and Celebration at James Monroe’s Highland could be a fun way to spend the afternoon (weather permitting!) And for our clients who prefer to relax at home, here are some great ideas for our Caregivers and clients to try together in the home: http://dailycaring.com/fantastic-4th-of-july-activities-for-seniors/

However you choose to celebrate this upcoming week, Commonwise wishes everyone a safe and happy Fourth of July!


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