A Guide to Your Options for Taking Care of Aging Parents

Written by:

Jeffrey Grossman


September 28, 2020

An overwhelming majority of elderly people want to grow old in their own homes. As our parents age, though, sometimes they need help taking care of themselves.

Are you wondering what your options are for taking care of aging parents? Let's take a look at different care options for elderly parents.

Options for Elderly Adults Who Require Frequent Care

If you're searching for living options for aging parents who need help with daily tasks, you have a number of care options to choose from.

In-Home Care

In-home care is one of the best options for taking care of aging parents. Many elderly people are not interested in relocating, and you may wish to keep them out of nursing homes and other facilities.In-home care can assist elderly people with:

  • Personal care services

  • Home care services

  • Companionship services

  • Care management services

This means assistance with things like housework, meal preparation, transportation, medication reminders, bill pay, personal hygiene, and exercise, to name a few.Benefits of in-home care include:

  • Comfort: The most obvious benefit of in-home care is the ability for people to receive care in the comfort of their own homes.

  • Faster recovery: Research has shown that patients recover from illness and surgery more quickly and more successfully in their own home. They're also less likely to develop an infection and have fewer hospital readmissions.

  • One-on-one attention: Your elderly parent will be the primary focus of the caregiver. The needs of your elderly parent will be met much quicker than at a residential facility.

  • Cost effectiveness:  Home care can be significantly less expensive than residential nursing facilities. Some long-term care insurance plans can assist in covering the cost of in-home care.

  • Independence: Seniors are often wary of losing their independence and reluctant to leave their homes. This way they can still choose their own schedule and have control over many aspects of their own life.

  • Peace of mind: With in-home care, you don't have to worry about your loved one getting injured while performing daily activities. You can also rest easy knowing that they are in the comfort of their own home.

  • Companionship: Having in-home care can ensure that your loved one isn't feeling socially isolated and lonely.

  • Pet ownership: Pet companionship can reduce loneliness and reduce the risk of heart disease. It can also be calming to dementia patients. When you opt for in-home care, your elderly parents don't have to part with their beloved pet.

When it comes to long term care for elderly parents, in-home care allows them to age gracefully in the comfort of their own home. Without interrupting their daily routines and allowing them to sleep in their own bed, in-home care offers the help they need.

Assisted Living Facilities

Assisted living residences are communities where elderly people can live on their own while benefiting from personal care services if necessary. Things like taking medicine, bathing, and getting dressed are services that are often provided by these facilities.

Nursing Homes

Nursing homes provide personal services and medical care. They are staffed with nurses and other health professionals 24 hours a day. This is a care option for elderly parents who need 24-hour medical and personal care.

Living With a Family Member

It isn't uncommon for elderly individuals to move in with a family member. This allows them support with daily activities and non-skilled health care. They can also enjoy the companionship of a close family member.Taking care of an elderly family member can be a lot of work, and incorporating in-home care could be incredibly beneficial. If you're taking care of aging parents while simultaneously working a full-time job and raising kids, hiring in-home help could make a world of difference.

Options for Elderly Adults Who Are Independent

Sometimes elderly adults are capable of handling their own daily tasks but would like to live among others in their age range. If your elderly parents are largely independent but looking to relocate to a senior community, you have a few options.

Active Adult Communities

These communities are neighborhoods where there is an age minimum to live there. Typically, adults must be at least 55 years of age but it can vary between communities.These neighborhoods can be made up of houses, townhomes, apartments, condos, or mobile homes. This is a great living option for aging parents if they are fully capable of living on their own. In these communities, residents are fully independent, meaning they manage their own homes and take care of themselves.

Independent Living Communities

Also known as retirement homes or retirement communities, older adults are able to purchase their own unit within independent living communities. While most residents take care of themselves and don't need help with daily tasks, meals are often included.If you're looking for care options for elderly parents who are active and independent but looking for a little help with services like prepared meals and housekeeping, independent living communities could be the right fit. Another benefit is the built-in community of similarly-aged peers.

Taking Care of Aging Parents: We're Here to Help With In-Home Services

Taking care of aging parents can be difficult and stressful, with each decision made potentially impacting your parents' comfort and happiness. If your parents can no longer care for themselves but want to maintain the independence of living in their own home, in-home care is the best option.Commonwise Home Care offers our services in Charlottesville and Richmond, VA, as well as Charleston, SC. Read more about our at home care services or call our Care Team today at 434.202.8565.

Disclaimer: Please check with your physician before making any changes to your diet, exercise, or medication routine.


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